The most complete application for Riga public transport (Rīgas satiksme) e-ticket (e-talons) content reading.
Reads both yellow and blue e-ticket cards. You need device with NFC module to read e-ticket.
Application reads and displays ticket type, recent rides and directions.
It may take longer time to read blue cards. Some devices may not support reading blue cards.
- Doesn't recognize some rare ticket types (24 hour, 3 days, 5 days, group tickets)
- Doesn't recognize "working days" restriction of monthly tickets
- Doesn't recognize night buses
If you notice an error, please help the project - send ticket dump, you can do it inside application. Please write what kind of ticket do you have and details about the error in email. You can also attach a screenshot to email. And soon you will get a fix!
- 不能识别一些稀有票种(24小时,3天,5天,团体票)
- 不承认“工作日”的月票限制
- 不能识别夜班车
如果您发现错误,请帮助项目 - 送门票转储,你可以在里面的应用程序做到这一点。请写出你有什么样的票以及有关电子邮件错误的详细信息。您还可以将截图到电子邮件。很快你就会得到修复!